Contemporary Approaches for Management Framework

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Discuss about the Contemporary Approaches for Management Framework.


How do the contemporary approaches to management differ from the classical approaches?

Wang et al. (2012) stated that contemporary approach of management provides a framework for management practices depending on recent trends. Contemporary approach of management is highly influenced by globalization, excellence model, quality issues, productivity, Mckinsey’s 7S approach and theory Z concepts. Bratton and Gold (2012) stated that due to the appearance of global organizations like “European Economic Community” (EEC) and “World Trade Organization” (WTO), all organizations have to operate in the global economy. For this reason, all managers have to think globally even if they are operating in the local or domestic market. Keune and Johnstone (2012) argued that, a company can lose its market share in the domestic market due to the influence of foreign companies. For this reason, it has become important for all managers to understand management on global perspective.    

 Theory Z practices (Contemporary approach of management)

Figure 1: Theory Z practices (Contemporary approach of management)

(Source: Belbin 2012)

On the contrary, the classical management approach always tries to maximize the benefits of customers and investors in fair level. Bratton and Gold (2012) stated that, it is mainly based on hierarchical organizational structures that define the objectives and responsibilities of mangers within every level of the management. Hughes (2012) indicated that the classical management approach provides the division of labor that helps to increase employee performance and reduce expenses.   According to The Houston Chronicle the classical management approach is more effective because it helps to increase efficiency of decision making. On the other hand, Keune and Johnstone (2012) argued that classical approach of management is disadvantageous compare to contemporary approach of management as it decreases growth, creativity, motivation and discourages teamwork. It also ignores the needs of diverse workforce within modern organizations. For this reason it is not suitable.  

Analyze particular ways in which features of the internal and external environment influence the work of manager?

External environmental factors   

Wang et al. (2012) stated that, factors outside of the organization are termed as external environment. Managers do not have control on how the external environment elements are going to shape up. They are such as general environment and task environment. The elements of general environment are like economic dimension, technological dimensions, socio-cultural dimension, political dimension and international dimensions. On the other hand task environment are those factors that are affect and affected by the business operations done by managers (Belbin 2012). According to Brealey et al. (2012), managers have to identify environmental factors of specific interest rather than abstract dimension of the general working environment. Different task environments including factors like competitors, customers, regulators and strategic partners. It has been found that policies that managers develop by the company are highly influence by the competitors. For this reason managers always have to focus on improving quality of product so that it can attract customers. The primary goal for managers within a company is to make customer satisfy with the products. Kerzner (2013) stated that mangers always need to pay close attention to the consumer’s dimension in the task environment. They need to understand that customer’s purchase is the factor that keeps a company alive. Hughes (2012) mentioned that regulators are the units of task environment that has the authority of control. It has been found that governments are the main players that have high influence on this environment factor. There are many interest groups like Chamber of Commerce and Trade Unions who always try to influence the business operation of a company. For this reason managers need to develop healthy relationship with these interest groups to ensure smooth business operation.   

Internal environmental factors 

Yammarino et al. (2012) stated that, forces or conditions within an organization that affecting the decisions taken by the managers, are known as internal environmental factors. These factors are such as owners, board of directors, employees and working culture.  Brealey et al. (2012) mentioned that, owners are the people who make investment for an organization. Investors have proprietary rights and claims on a company. They can be individuals or a group of person who have started the company or they can buy company share from the share market. They have the right to change company policies. For this reason, managers have to make continuous communication with business owners to stay informed about company policies. Kerzner (2013) sated that employees are most important part of organization’s internal environment. Employees are those people who actually perform task for a company. Yammarino et al. (2012) mentioned that, managers need to manage employee properly because ill-management of the workforces can develop catastrophic situation within a company. Nixon and Burns (2012) stated that manager also needs to take care of the organizational culture as well. Managers have to understand that organizational culture plays an important role to shape the success of a company. For this reason, managers have to clearly define the values, visions, roles, goals and habits for employees.  Managers need to develop diverse workforce to improve business performance of an organization.

Suggest with supporting reasons the particular attributes or qualities that appear to be necessary for successful performance of the manager’s job.

There are 6 particular qualities that are necessary for successful performance of the manager’s job. They are mentioned below:

  1. Great communication

McGregor and Simon (2012) stated that concise and clear combination is one of the biggest managerial skills that every manager must possess. Managers must be able analyze, persuade and critique tasks, team members and tasks on daily basis. De Giovanni (2012) mentioned that every manger must has the skill to develop effective communication (both verbal and written combination). Development of effective communication will increase the chance of a manager to become successful.    

  1. Enthusiastic and energetic

McGregor and Simon (2012) stated that managers need to understand that their negative attitude can severely affect team performance. It has been found that enthusiastic and optimistic managers can energies whole team. Managers have to adopt a “can-do” attitude. They have to implement enthusiasm in the day-to-day interaction with subordinates so that they also think positive even in critical situation. 

  1. Showing competence in the area of expertise

According to Michalski (2012), in order to become successful all mangers have to master their areas of expertise. It has been found that the best way exhibit mastery and competence is to inspire and enable the team to successfully complete the tasks ahead of the schedule and under budget. Kerzner (2013) stated that, mangers have to learn from other successful managers in the same field.

  1. Efficient and effective delegation

According to De Giovanni (2012), delegation is one of the most abused function even for the most seasoned and veteran workers. Michalski (2012) argued that giving critical tasks to employees and force them to do that is not the answer to effective delegation. Instead delegation means providing suitable task to employees and giving them timely information. In addition, managers have to make sure that everyone understands task appropriately so that desired results can be achieved.   

  1. Remaining cool and calm in any circumstance

Michalski (2012) mentioned that, everyone has to face obstacle in work. It is an unavoidable part of any task. Hence, in order to become successful when any challenge arrives managers have to deal them calmly and with authority. At first, mangers have to identify the problems. Then they have clearly defined the ways that can help workers to successfully handle the obstacles.        

  1. Be the biggest cheerleader and coach of the team 

Successful mangers need to encourage their teams throughout every stage of project. They have to offer guidance and coaching to their subordinates as required during the process. Kerzner (2013) stated that a team is as good as its leader. In order to become successful, managers need to understand what is required to motivate individuals so that they can perform their tasks with their highest capability. In addition, it is one of the major responsibilities of a manger to recognize, celebrate and acknowledge the success of the team. Managers need to encourage individuals so that that they can improve their performance on daily basis. Kerzner (2013) stated that by encouraging and leading, managers become capable to inspire individuals to improve their performance.

Reference list

Belbin, R.M., 2012. Management teams. Routledge.

Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2012. Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan.

Brealey, R.A., Myers, S.C., Allen, F. and Mohanty, P., 2012. Principles of corporate finance. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.

De Giovanni, P., 2012. Do internal and external environmental management contribute to the triple bottom line?. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 32(3), pp.265-290.

Hughes, O.E., 2012. Public management and administration. Palgrave Macmillan.

Kerzner, H.R., 2013. Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.

Keune, M.B. and Johnstone, K.M., 2012. Materiality judgments and the resolution of detected misstatements: The role of managers, auditors, and audit committees. The Accounting Review, 87(5), pp.1641-1677.

McGregor, D. and Simon, D. eds., 2012. The peri-urban interface: Approaches to sustainable natural and human resource use. Routledge.

Michalski, G., 2012. Accounts receivable management in nonprofit organizations. Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowo?ci, (68), pp.83-96.

Nixon, B. and Burns, J., 2012. The paradox of strategic management accounting. Management Accounting Research, 23(4), pp.229-244.

Wang, C.H., Chen, K.Y. and Chen, S.C., 2012. Total quality management, market orientation and hotel performance: The moderating effects of external environmental factors. International Journal of Hospitality Management,31(1), pp.119-129.

Yammarino, F.J., Salas, E., Serban, A., Shirreffs, K. and Shuffler, M.L., 2012. Collectivistic leadership approaches: Putting the “we” in leadership science and practice. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 5(4), pp.382-402.

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