Research Method

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According to Alvesson &Sandberg (2013), research methodology chapter helps to conduct the research work by focusing on the problem statement area. Based on the research aims and objectives, the researcher has selected appropriate research method and approach to carrying out the present research study. From the literature review section, it has been identified that integration of ISO 900 certification and Six Sigma is one of the best business practices to optimize the performance, capabilities, and efficiency of the organization. Therefore, the researcher has adopted proper methodology and technique to analyze the implementation barriers of these two management practices inside the organization. Chandra &Sharma (2013) opined that each part of this research methodology section is very important to drive the study towards right direction so that each factor regarding the effectiveness of ISO 9000 certification and Six Sigma can be properly understood from organizational perspectives. 

Method Outline 

As stated by Eaton (2013), method outline is the framework of entire research methodology section which is very crucial to provide systematic structure to conduct the work properly. This research has been taken on the factors facing by automobile sector while implementing ISO 9000 and Six Sigma together to increase the business performance. In accordance with the research topic, the researcher has adopted positivism philosophy, descriptive design, primary data sources and deductive approach. In order to analyze the data collected from the respondents, the qualitative technique has been chosen by the researcher. As a sample size, 5 experts of Six Sigma have been selected for face to face interview session where open-ended questionnaire are used.

Research Philosophy

In order to assess the factors and parameters those are affecting business organization while adopting Six Sigma and ISO 9000 certification process, proper selection of research philosophy is very crucial. In this present study, the researcher has taken the initiatives to explain insight analysis of the selected topic to conduct the research work in a better way. Klassen et al., (2012) discussed that in order to explain the predictions carried out by the researcher, effective research philosophy should be taken with proper alignments. The common forms of research philosophy are realism, interpretivism, and positivism. Leedy & Ormrod (2013) acknowledged that positivism philosophy not only helps to analyze the hidden facts but also helps to extract accurate information in a scientific manner. On the other hand, interpretivism defines the concepts by avoiding the scientific approach. Realism is the mixed approach of positivism and interpretivism focuses more on the human beliefs and their interactions with realties.   

Justification for Chosen Philosophy

By analyzing the current context, the researcher has selected positivism philosophy as it halts the researcher to engage any data manipulations so that detailed knowledge and observation from the topic can be gathered. Apart from that, this research philosophy helps to analyze the factors regarding Six Sigma and ISO 9000 which is very necessary to drive organizational profit. 

Research Approach 

The research approach is necessary to get the systematic format for conduction of the research study. Research topic can be carried out with two approaches one is deductive, and another is the inductive approach. According to Thomas (2013), the inductive approach helps to study the research topics when enough data and information are not available. In addition, inductive approach builds new theories and concepts to gain relevant information from this research study.  On the other hand, Novikov & Novikov (2013) mentioned that deductive approach helps to explain the practical implementation of the applied theories to obtain the actual contents of the research topic.  

Justification for Selection of Chosen Approach 

By analyzing the nature and scope of this research study, the researcher has chosen deductive approach to building theories with detailed specifications and analysis. In order to understand the importance of engaging Six Sigma inside the organization and to make the organization certified under the rules of ISO 9000 standards, the deductive approach goes perfectly because it helps to understand the fact in details and with practical implications. Further, the benefits of using Six Sigma principles with ISO 9000 and also be evaluated through this research approach.

Case Background 

Throughout the study, the researcher has tried to highlight the fact there are significant positive impacts on the organizational performance is the authorities can successfully integrate ISO 9000 and Six Sigma model. However, the researcher has highlighted a major point that due to improper knowledge and experience, the multinational organizations are facing greater challenges. For this research study, the researcher has chosen an automobile sector where integration of ISO 9000 and Six Sigma are very much needed to reduce the quality cost. As this industry is totally a customer based organization, manufacturing defects should be mitigated to maintain a secure environment.  As opined by Salaberry & Comajoan (2013), lack of resources, internal resistance and lack of knowledge makes this integration too complex for the organization. 

From the above framework, it is clear that integration of ISO 9000 management system with Six Sigma Model helps to improve the product quality and services by monitoring all the steps of the development phase. According to Furterer (2016), both of these models are very crucial to achieve sustainable growth through process innovation, products and service quality. Therefore, the researcher has carried out this topic to incorporate the ISO 9000 model with Six Sigma to gain higher customer satisfaction as well as greater economic profit.  

Research Design 

In this stage, researcher predicts the results of data analysis based on research aims, objectives, and purpose of the study. Three basic and common research designs are descriptive, explanatory and exploratory. According to Popping (2012), exploratory design highlights the background information of the identified problems. As opined by Alvesson & Sandberg (2013), explanatory design helps in the identification of the reasons due to which problems are raised, so that best possible solutions can be found out to solve these. However, descriptive design successfully links the research objectives with the obtained research findings.

The researcher has selected descriptive design because it helps to define the implementation process involved in Six Sigma and ISO 9000 practices properly. Through this research design, the researcher also tried to analyze the beneficial impacts of this integration for organizational developments and growth. 

Data Collection 

For a research work, data are collected either from primary, secondary or both the sources. Data collection stage is important to gather necessary information about the selected topic and helps to perform the analysis properly. Brown & Stowers (2013) suggested that use of theoretical as well as practical approaches in the data Data Sources 

Data are collected from two sources; one is primary and other is the secondary source. Both of these sources are helpful to retrieve information as per the requirements of the topic. Potrata  (2010) mentioned that primary data with reliable and valid clarification helps to analyze the inner facts and sheets of the selected topic. On the other hand, secondary data sources widen the concepts of study to understand the topic in a clear and precise manner.

For this research work, the researcher has chosen primary sources only which include face to face interview and open-ended questionnaire session. Face to face interview session has been conducted with the Six Sigma experts of the automobile sector. In addition, online questionnaire session has been set up for the interview session. 

3.8 Data Analysis Technique 

Collected data can be analyzed in two ways, either through qualitative or quantitative analysis technique. Salaberry & Comajoan (2013) opine that, the qualitative technique uses the detailed approach with the inclusion of various methods such as rigorous reviews of the documents and interviews to gain useful information. On the contrary, Chandra & Sharma (2013) stated that quantitative technique helps to structure interviews and observations to review the responses of the participants and records that information for further uses in the research work. As the researcher has collected data from primary sources only, qualitative analysis technique is appropriate to make clear findings. According to Mitchell &Jolley (2013), qualitative data analysis technique can record the responses of larger sample size and use them to get detailed descriptions. The researcher has chosen qualitative approach as is can be used to explore the proposed framework with proper validation. In addition, this data analysis technique adds theoretical concepts in the practical field, so that the readers can understand the topic in a better way.

Sample and Population 

As this research is totally based on primary sources, sampling is very crucial to select appropriate respondents for conducting the survey. On the other hand, the population is the people who are directly or indirectly involved in this research work. To be more precise, 5 Six Sigma experts are considered as the sample size of this research work. Moreover, this study also concentrates on the application issues of Six Sigma and ISO 9000 which can have negative impacts on the organizational performance. 

Sampling Technique 

Two basic sampling techniques which are used in analyzing the responses of the participants are random probability sampling and nonprobability sampling. In order to make clear findings from the responses of the participants, the researcher has selected nonprobability sampling technique. Nonprobability sampling technique is very convenient to mitigate the deviation problems related to the responses of thee participants in primary data collection process.

Sample Size 

For conducting the research with qualitative analysis technique, 5 Six Sigma experts were selected for face to face interview session. An online questionnaire has been used in this session to gather unbiased information regarding the usefulness of Six Sigma and ISO 9000 for organizational benefits.

Ethical Considerations

Throughout the research study, the researcher has tried to follow all the ethical rules and regulations to conduct the work in proper way. Ethical consideration is very crucial to identify the right and wrong set of behaviors which must be possessed by the participants. As stated by Potrata (2010), highlighting of ethical issues is very crucial to conduct the study in a systematic fashion. The following ethical issues are highlighted 

Data Application: While developing this research work, the researcher has tried to limit the applications of data only for academic uses. Commercial applications are avoided throughout the research study. 

Engagements of the Participants: The researcher has ensured the fact that physical or mental pressure is not acted on the participants of the organization. Moreover, the researcher also makes sure the fact that personal details of the participants are not revealed without their concern. 

Research Limitations

Due to limited budget and financial constraints, the researcher has encountered some limitations which are described as follows

Time Constraint: because of the limited time issue, the study was not analyzed properly. Therefore, there are so many aspects of this research topic was unexplored which can be used for future uses.

Budget Constraint: Due to lack if the financial budget, advanced statistical tools were not used which could enhance the quality of this research work. 

The research work is based on primary sources and data have been analyzed through qualitative analysis technique. 5 Six Sigma experts were considered as a sample size of this research study. The researcher has chosen nonprobability sampling technique to analyze the responses of the participants so that exact information can be obtained.


Alvesson, M. &Sandberg, J. (2013). Constructing Research Questions. London: SAGE Publications.
Brown, J. &Stowers, E. (2013). Use of Data in Collections Work: An Exploratory Survey. Collection Management, 38(2), pp.143-162.
Chandra, S. &Sharma, M. (2013). Research methodology. Oxford: Alpha Science International Ltd.
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Eaton, S. (2013). The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 16(6), pp.548-550.
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Furterer, S. L. (Ed.). (2016). Lean Six Sigma in service: applications and case studies. CRC Press.
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Mitchell, M. &Jolley, J. (2013). Research design explained. Australia: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
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Thomas, J. (2013). Empathic design: Research strategies. Australasian Medical Journal, 6(1), pp.1-6. is a name in assignment writing services that students trust. We offer our assignment writing services for a wide variety of assignment including essaysdissertations, case studies and more. Students can place their order with us anytime as we function 24x7, and get their copies at unbeatable prices. We guarantee that all of our solutions are plagiarism-free.

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