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N400 Accounting

Answer: Part A: Literature Review The main issue for this literature review is to assess the impact that joint US GAAP and IFRS revenue recognition project will have on firms. This literature review seeks to validate that the firms will be affective negatively and positively when the project is fully implemented. Revenues remains an essential number to financial statement users when assessing the financial performance as well as position of an entity. Nevertheless, recognizing revenue requirements in the United States GAAP vary from those of IFRS, an...

  • Published: 04 Oct 2021
  • Views:11

ECON3411 Contemporary Issues in Accounting

Answer: Part 1 Literature review In a perfect world, executives, investors and board members will have complete faith in organisations’ financial statements. According to Young(2013), stakeholders could depend on the figures to make diligent projections of the timing, scale and uncertainty of future cash flows and to determine whether the consequent projection of value was represented fairly in the prevailing stock price.. Firstly, financial statements depend on judgment calls and projections which could be broadly off the mark, even when prep...

  • Published: 29 Sep 2021
  • Views:11

N420 Accounting and Finance

Answer: Part 1: 1 A: The origins of the UK corporate governance system and laws are relied on the values of individualism and freedom of contract. Currently UK makes the use of one-tire board structure having non-executive directors and independent auditors who are used to protect the accountability for shareholders. It is noteworthy to denote that the financial reporting council Combined Code on corporate governance forms the chief tool of governance in UK. The unitary board is collective accountability whereas the duties of chief executive and...

  • Published: 28 Sep 2021
  • Views:11

PM201 Management Accounting

Discuss How Management Accounting Varies Answer: 1. Analytically discuss how management accounting varies from financial accounting  The financial accounting focuses on the financial reports which are provided to the finance executives, stockholders, lenders and other stakeholders. The financial accounting practices deal with the accounting principles which have to be applied while reporting the outcomes of the business’s previous operations in the financial reports. The Managerial accounting focuses on giving the details inside ...

  • Published: 27 Sep 2021
  • Views:11

AC6P04 Current Issues in Accounting and Finance

Answer: Introduction: The paper describes about the reporting to stakeholders and what are the measures which are faced by shareholders. Reporting to stakeholders is a process by which information regarding the company dealings are to be made. The information provided by the company to its stakeholders updates the knowledge base of the stakeholders regarding the company, its status and its network.  The main objective behind reporting to the stakeholders is to increase the level of confidence of the stakeholders for the company, so that they wou...

  • Published: 27 Sep 2021
  • Views:11

FBLT041 Accounting and Financial Management

Accounting and Financial Management Answer: Notes: The technical and behavioral aspect of budgeting has the beneficial property as the organization has positive impact due to proper understanding and coordination. Technical aspects is one of the most important factors that needs to be considered while determining the success of budgetary control system. In addition to technical side of budget, behavioral aspects integral part of process of budgetary control. Budgetary control success is dependent upon the appreciation of interpersonal relations...

  • Published: 16 Sep 2021
  • Views:11
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