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B740 Nursing - Effective Communication

Answer: Communication in Nursing In this world communication is the limelight to all activities that happen in it, and without this everything would be arduous to achieve or accomplish. To be precise communication is a way of sharing either a primary or a secondary information, it mostly involves two or more people or places. But in this paper, the discussion will be about communication in nursing. Good communication in the nursing field between the nurse and the patient should be essential, and a positive or successful outcome is expected from ...

  • Published: 20 Oct 2021
  • Views:11

Communication and Interpersonal Skills

Answer: Effective communication and interaction between a nurse and the patient is important in healthcare. It is often linked to desirable outcomes associated with patient compliance with medical advice and patient satisfaction. For this to be achieved, nurses need to understand and assist their patients while demonstrating kindness, courtesy and sincerity. They are also expected to devote some time to interact and communicate with their patients and meet patients’ communication needs. In mental health, therapeutic communication enables practit...

  • Published: 17 Oct 2021
  • Views:11

Driscoll 2007 Model for Nursing

Answer: Introduction I will say about the professional values that according to me are the most important in nursing. The professional values are the ethical issues which the nurses are required to follow in their practice. In this context, I will highlight upon the usefulness and the other outcomes of the ‘consent’ value in nursing. The Royal college of Nursing, The Nursing and midwifery council, the Nice Guideline and the department of health say about the valid consent that should be taken freely and voluntarily before the patient acce...

  • Published: 16 Oct 2021
  • Views:11

B740 Nursing Professional Development

Answer: Introduction: The essay focuses on the clinical scenario of a patient with stroke and having the symptoms of aphasia and dysplasia. The first part of the essay describes the barrier faced in communication with the patient and the technique used to improve communication and interaction with patient. On the other hand, the second part discusses about the challenges faced in care of patients, planning of care and the implementation process to address the problem. Finally, a reflective account gives detail on how participation in care of patient ...

  • Published: 11 Oct 2021
  • Views:11

Physical Inactivity Among Older Adults

Physical Inactivity Being Nursing Students Answer: Introduction: There is a direct relation between obesity and physical activity and being a nursing student it is our prime responsibility to know the reasons behind this inactivity and increase awareness amongst the teenagers to opt for a good lifestyle. Nurses are placed ideally to take care of health promotion interventions, inclusive of physical fitness. This topic has been chosen by me as it is the biggest problem now a days amongst teenagers they are somewhat not aware of the demerits of this p...

  • Published: 27 Sep 2021
  • Views:11

HLST273 Caregivers of Older People

Answer: Analysis: In an organization where an employee is facing a significant life event, the organization should support the employee through the entire situation. An awareness should be created within the organization where the need to support the employee is addressed, this is imperative so that the employee receives the full support of their team. Further, engaging the other employees to support this individual will enable them to get back to a normal status where they can work in a productive way (Davies and Nolan 2006). For instance, an indivi...

  • Published: 16 Sep 2021
  • Views:11

NURM144 Safeguarding Children Young People and Vulnerable Adults

Answer: Introduction: Children and young people hold the future of society and must be tended after with great care. Senseless crimes and injustices that have been inflicted upon children in recent years point to the rot in society; society is losing sense of the great future which children hold. It is imperative upon every member of society to care for the children within their reach. Society to Care for the Children Analysis Parents have a duty to care for children by ensuring that that they have shelter, food and clothing among other basic need...

  • Published: 16 Sep 2021
  • Views:11

B750 Dental Nursing

Answer: Introducation: Endodontic treatment is a treatment procedure that takes care of the inner healthiness of a tooth i.e. it treats the inside of the tooth. Some of the most sensitive parts of the inside of a tooth are involved, they are: the pulp which contains the tooth nerves, roots, blood vessels and connective tissues (Saatchi, 2007). Therefore, endodontic treatment is necessary when the pulp, which is the soft tissue inside the root canal, becomes infected with bacteria. This may be caused by several things like deep tooth decay itself, rep...

  • Published: 14 Sep 2021
  • Views:11

UZWRSS153 Evidence and Research in Practice

Answer: Introduction: Dementia is one of the neurodegenerative disorders which is affecting the lives of most of the cohorts of the older age. This often affects the quality lives of the individual as it impacts on the lives of such people as they tend to affect their memory, cognitive skills, and balance and speech capability. It also affects their ability to recognise situations, people and others and also affects their capability to perform their daily activities of life. Therefore, it often becomes challenging for the healthcare professionals to ...

  • Published: 07 Sep 2021
  • Views:11
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